Part I

Chapter 7 of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus is about the short time leading up to Jesus’s death and his death and resurrection. The chapter begins with Norm evaluating what it looks like to be a martyr and who could be considered comparable to Jesus. (239) Norm then is faced with 2 questions; Why did religious leaders want Jesus dead and why did Roman government sentence him to death. Norm finds him self following the path that Jesus took in his final hours. After this he is overwhelmed with the idea of Jesus not actually resurrecting and instead being moved to another tomb, and that the disciples had mistaken this for his resurrection.(249-257) Norm is unable to come to a conclusion at the end of his trip, but has learned much along the way.

Part II

Something I found very interesting was that the men trying to sentence Jesus to death used a Bible verse as evidence against him. They accused Jesus as being a false prophet and explained that this is they reason that they should kill him, to protect their faith and everyone from this “false prophet”. This idea is very ironic and almost humorous. Another idea I found interesting was questioning whether or not Jesus really rose from the dead. Believing in this idea disproves and discredits everything that Christianity is and everything that Christians believe in. I had never even considered that to be an option. I like that the book was inconclusive. It allows the reader to either believe in their faith despite everything that has been covered throughout the book, or look into questioning these ideas more. 

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