Part I
Chapter 2 of Fisk's A Hitchhiker's Guide to Jesus begins with Norm getting settled into his new surroundings. Norm talks about many of the traditions and rituals that are happening around him so far. He describes the ritualistic prayer sessions that happen frequently and some of the other religious traditions.  The reader quickly discovers that the main goal of this chapter will be for Norm to discover as much as he can about John the Baptist, who was one of the closest men to Jesus, so close that he even Baptized Jesus. The purpose is for Norm to understand the motive and personality of this man in order to have a better understanding of his personality. After his encounter with a pair of doomsday apocalyptics, Norm began to question whether or not John was truly a hero or a little insane. Next Norm meets up with a man who challenges his understanding of the relation between John and the Qumran.  Later that day Norm meets an atheist who for a second makes him question his trip and worry that he might find himself agreeing with him before the trip is over but quickly snaps out of it and realizes he needs to stay strong and that his faith is strong enough to over come this journey. 

Part II
At the beginning of the chapter Norm is trying to get used to his surroundings, he is feeling a little sentimental and comparing many things to how they were back home, he even has dreams about being back home. He seems a little hesitant and weary towards the beginning of the chapter. His feelings are not helped when, just as he was about to begin his quest, Bethlehem was placed under closure in order to arrest wanted Palestinians, Norm made the correlation to how Herod must have felt when finding out about Jesus and how much power and authority he was said to have. Herod must have been worried about the newborn who inevitably was going to challenge his authority as ruler. Norm thought Herod may have wanted to shut down the city back then and arrest Jesus before his authority had a chance of being over ruled. Early on in the chapter Norm meets up with Jesse who takes him to the place where many scrolls that correlated with the Gospels were said to be found, which also happens to be the place John was said to spend much of his time. Norm begins to question many things about John's life and whether or not these findings would match up to his preconceived notion of John and indirectly Jesus. Jesse lets on that many researchers now believe the scrolls were actually not originally created in this area like previously thought. This makes Norm question much about John's life and relation to the Gospels. Over the rest of the chapter, Norm is now very skeptical of his understanding of John and the historical facts he is coming across. At one point it even makes him question his trip and whether it will make him a skeptic, however he soon realizes he is doing the right thing. 

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