Part 1

Norm goes to the Gethsemani ancient olive press, where the disciples could have spent their last night while Jesus was praying.  He then goes on to contemplate how Jesus did not want to die (except in John) but resigns to God’s will anyway. While on a tour bus to Hebron, Norm sees how Herod could be ok with Jesus being put to death. During a walk down Via Dolorosa, Norm comes to sees Jesus’s crucifixion as a noisy, chaotic, and shameful experience. After falling asleep in a tomb, Norm discusses the location of Jesus’s bones with a grave robber. Norm speculates that Jesus’s body could still be out there, but if he is alive he is embodied in different individuals.

 Part 2

At the end of the book Norm speculates that, should Jesus be on this side of the tomb, He can be found in different individuals.  If this is true, could all people embrace the different aspects of Jesus that they have in them? Would it be possible to fashion one’s self to “look” like Jesus? I feel that should people decide to embrace the Jesus in them the world would be a little more peaceful, people would give of themselves more, and people would be less judgmental of appearance and base their judgment on a person’s actions or intentions.  

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