Part I

            Chapter 4 of A Hitchhikers Guide to Jesus talks mostly about the miracles that Jesus performed on those in need around him. A major issue this chapter focuses on is trying to figure out whether or not the miracles were actually real or if the Gospels fabricated them to make Jesus seem more powerful.  Norm states that “..the discovery that blindness, deafness, loss of speech, paralysis, and the like might occur as hysterical symptoms and be ‘cured’ instantaneously if the hysteria suddenly ceased.” (106-107).  Norm then begins comparing Jesus’ miracle stories to other holy men trying to find similarities and differences. 

Part II

            In chapter 4, Norm is working on figuring out if the miracles performed by Jesus in the Gospels are in fact true or not.  It is very interesting to think that the miracles were not actually performed, since in every Gospel they are recorded differently.  I wonder if Jesus really cured people, or if after feeling better psychologically or believing that a Savior did in fact cure them they then began to feel better. It is hard to find evidence that Jesus actually did perform miracles, and easy to believe that the relief of psychological disorders could have caused the healing .

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