Part I
     In chapter 6 of A Hitchhikers Guide to Jesus, Norm continues on his journey landing on the subject of Jesus’ death.   He travels to the Mount of Olives where he finds symmetry between Lazarus and Jesus (189).  Norm mentions four ways where there are similarities between the two.  Jesus foresees both Lazarus’s death and his own, a woman named Mary weeks in Jesus’s presence, a stone must be moved to let Lazarus out, and the story highlights Lazarus’s grave clothes (189).  To end the chapter, Norm examines the last supper to find out if it was actually a Passover meal, or if it had not begun until after Jesus was crucified (221-227).

Part II
    I thought it was very interesting in this chapter when Norm pointed out the parallels between Jesus and Lazarus.  I never realized or thought about the foreshadowing with Lazarus even though I have studied both previously.

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