Part I

            In the final chapter of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus, Norm returns to the Mount of Olives to reenact Jesus’ final night with his disciples.  In Gethsemane, Norm studies up on Jesus’ death and resurrection.  He mentions the points of through multiple attestations and the criterion of embarrassment; this is where it is believed that Jesus and his disciples prayed before Jesus’ arrest (231).  Martyrdom then becomes a topic of thought throughout the different interpretations of Jesus’ death in the Gospels.  Two questions spark Norm’s thought: Why did the religious leaders want Jesus dead and why did the Roman government sentence him to death? (240)  In conclusion, Norm receives the news about his mother’s cancer returning, and decides that his trip has come to an end (257).

Part II

            The last chapter of the book finally addresses the topic of Jesus’ death, which is very interesting to Norm.  He tries to figure out information about his death from what is expressed in the Gospels.  I thought it was very cool that Norm practically walked in the steps of Jesus to try and figure out what actually happened.  At the end of the chapter, Norm explains that there are always going to differences in how Jesus is viewed.  Jesus can be viewed historically, or he can be viewed at the standpoint of a Christian.  There are differences, but Norm notes that it is important to understand the historical Jesus in order to really know Jesus as he is interpreted in the Gospels.

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