Frankly, Jesus Camp scares me.  It makes me anxious to see that suchextremists (in my opinion) exist today and especially in this country.  And even scarier to me is the thought that they very well could have an influence on the way this country functions.  By sheer numbers alone, they have a great influence on governmental issues.  They can force their views and opinions on others by pure force because they have a large group and believe strongly in their message.  They believe that people in this country should arm their children with weapons and purpose like extremists do in the Middle East.  I find this extremely alarming.  We are long past the days of crusades and the like.  Plus, this is supposed to be a country that offers freedom of religion to all of its citizens.  If people like the ones in this documentary continue their iron hold on the government, how can that be possible?  They are calling for a Christian nation, and that is not what the United States is.  The founding fathers would frown upon this behavior.  They did not want a nation where people were forced to be something they were not.  By grouping together and using the quantity of their followers, these people are going against the very nature of our foundation.  By forcing one way of thinking upon people in the government, they are taking away the basis of our idea of freedom.  I think that with people like the ones shown present as far as politics go, this country is in serious danger of becoming a theocracy.  There is barely any separation between church and state as it is, and these Christian extremists are simply another form of terrorism as far as I am concerned.

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