Part I
            In the third chapter of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus, Norm is on his way to Bethlehem.  Before departing, Norm compares details shared by both Matthew and Luke: specifically, Mary conceiving Jesus while still a virgin, and Jesus being born in Bethlehem (77-78).  In Matthew, Joseph is the main focus and not much is said about Mary or her ideas behind how the baby originated.  In Luke, Mary is mentioned more often while Joseph is of less importance (79).  Norm adds a conversation he had with Guilder about his views and opinions on the matter.  Not surprisingly, Guilder mentions four viewpoints that lead him to believe the legitimacy of the birth narrative (81-84).  Norm adds in three pagan birth narratives of Alexander the Great, Octavius, and Apollonios of Tyana that show their similarities with Jesus’ birth narrative (85-87).  Norm then ventures into Bethlehem where he is shown the birth cave and manger of Jesus (89).  Later on, Norm encounters two professors and two students who introduce him to the idea that Matthew and Luke could be more accurately considered a docudrama, being an “artistic interpretation of real events”(93).

Part II
            While reading this chapter, Guilder’s response to Fisk’s questions (specifically #4, Jesus’s legitimacy) didn’t sit right with me.  Guilder states that Mary could have been seduced or raped causing her conception (82).  I recognize that Guilder is just sharing different views and opinions shared by people trying to come up with answers, however, I feel as if these opinions and ideas take away from the faith aspect of those who call themselves Christians.  Throughout history, having faith is on of the strongest practices of Christians and it’s that specifically that sets Christians apart from others looking for facts and answers to questions they don’t understand.  Personally, having faith in the miracle of Mary’s virgin birth is what makes the story stand apart and so meaningful.

Question:  By trying to put historical evidence on stories such as the miracle of Mary’s conception, does it weaken Christianity?

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