The movie Jesus Camp opens up with a radio announcer describing how there is a growing blend between religion and politics.  Unlike Thomas Jefferson’s views, the separation between church and state is decreasing more and more.  Thomas Jefferson proposed the idea of the “wall of separation” meaning that it is necessary for there to be a separation between church and state in the United States.  This allows for people to worship freely without persecution from the state.  Jesus Camp was a movie about Evangelical Christian children who are very open with their views and opinions about Jesus and what we are to be like as Christian believers.  The pastor Becky was very strong in her opinions about how the church and state should not be separate.  During her “preaching,” she exclaims how George Bush is such a good man as president because he is so open about his faith.  Although personally I agree with George Bush’s particular views and beliefs, others do not.  Many people (including myself) believe that the church and state should still be separate and a president’s particular opinion should not conflict with the large variety of beliefs held throughout the nation.  One particular point that caught me off guard was when the children were told to smash the mugs with a hammer.  This was used to represent the terrible things the government and nation was doing.  This seems to go against what pastor Becky was exclaiming.  She was such a strong supporter of teaching the children at a young age how to be soldiers of God and go out into the nation and teach.  Even though I may share some similarities of opinions with pastor Becky, I believe that much of what she was teaching the children was fake.  As Becky describes in an interview, children are very easy to teach and learn easily.  The teaching methods Becky used seem to almost pressure the children into having these “life changing” connections with God.  Although I believe it is possible, much of what I saw in the movie seemed false.  The children seemed to be taken off their feet by Becky’s ways of teaching and just complied with what she told them to do (much like a cult).  The children spoke in tongues, cried, and even shook violently on the floor.  It was scary how the kids were acting and reminded me almost as people that were acting.  In the end, the movie showed an inside view of the way many Christians live their lives.  For politicians, the need for American votes is ever present.  Because religion is so intertwined in our lives, it is nearly impossible for political leaders to completely separate church from state. 

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