Part I
     Chapter 6 of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus is concerned with Norm’s questions on the Last Supper and the Temple. Norm journeys to the Mount of Olives to watch the sun rise; this is where he connects the death of Lazarus with foreshadowing his own death in three ways: 1) a woman named Mary weeps in Jesus’ presence; 2) a stone must be moved to let Lazarus out; 3) the story highlights Lazarus’s grave clothes. Norm reaches the Dominus Flevit, where he realizes the significance of the city of Jerusalem being the object of the clear window and the burden Jesus carried as the city, and his death, become visible. The next subject of Norm’s questions is the similarity between Jesus’ descent into Jerusalem and Solomon’s descent into Jerusalem. Towards the end of the chapter Norm discusses different aspects of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus and of the Last Supper.

 Part II
     I found this chapter to contain an overwhelming amount of questions. The first question that caught my attention was when Norm addresses why Jesus chose to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, and whether or not it was for political reasons (194-200). Another intriguing thought that Norm seems to bring up is the controversial nature of discriminating against certain people in a religious place; he is referring to the Temple Mount Al Aqsa and how non-Muslims are banned from particular areas of the temple (201-209). I found a humorous parallel between Norm breaking the law by reading the Bible and the fact that Norm was reading about people in the Bible who were breaking laws (208-213). I thought it was interesting that Norm looks at a variety of possibilities for what Judas did and then concluded that it must not have been bribery alone that would have turned a disciple into a traitor (215). 

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