Part I

            In the third chapter to A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus, Norm stays the night in the Old City; here he questions Mary’s virgin birth to Jesus (77). While looking into Jesus’ birth, he compares the gospels Matthew and Luke to see the differences in text (77-79). One that stands out to Norm is the itinerary of the holy family and also differences in the central characters (79). Professor Guilder weighs in on the topic of virgin birth and discusses the topic with Norm (81-83). Norm makes a list of pagan births to compare to Jesus’ birth (85-87). After gathering his material he heads to Bethlehem where he visited the display of Jesus’ birth place (87-89).  Norm then talks with some locals about why he is traveling their area and discusses the issue of differences between the gospels, compared with Genesis and Exodus (92-99). The chapter ends with Norm and his Professor emailing about Norm’s adventures (100-102).

Part II

            In Norm’s travels, his next topic to look into is virgin birth, which is something every complex. Norm emails his professor about ideas that could be the conclusion of the virgin birth. I think it is interesting how in Matthew and Luke Guilder suggested that Matthew is writing to fulfill the Jewish Scriptures and Luke is writing to fulfill the Greco-Roman myth. Each writer seems to have different incentives, showing that they wanted to write something that would appeal to potential readers (77-79). When Norm visited the site where Jesus’ birth place was represented, it seems odd that the space had marble and silver creating the scene (89).This is not something that is mentioned in the Bible and serves as a way to honor Jesus. Over the years it seems that Jesus as become someone of great status, which the Bible does not depict him as.

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