Part I

            In the fourth chapter of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus, Norm wishing to locate Jesus miracles in today’s world. He went to Bethesda and Siloam to look into Jesus’s healing; both towns had healing centers which made the locations logical for Jesus (107-109). Norm then encounters a woman who had performed miracles before; Norm receives an email from his friend about Asclepius (114-116). He studies the gospel of Mark and the story of feeding the five thousand (116). Professor Guilder sends Norm an email about the assessment of food in the gospels and the significance of communion (122-125). Another large topic in the gospels is water; Norm makes a parallel of the different references to the gospels which discusses waters representation (126-128). Norm looks into the world being broken and how the geographical location of the Bible stories and prayer houses were affected in Jesus’s time (130-138). Norm looks into demons and then marriage, completing another topic filled chapter (138-148).

Part II

            Norm was able to actually see the wall that the blind man was healed by; I would think people would look at it as a holy space (110). Fisk also talked about how the world is broken and that Jesus wanted everything to be over in his life on earth (130-132). Jesus was able to see the sin in the world, not something you would expect someone so powerful to say. The line may be something to make us think about how sinful we have become, but rulers typically do not state that their people sinful. One of Jesus’s purposes on earth was to die for our sins; maybe this is why he was unhappy to see sinful humans. I thought the section on Jesus and demons was interesting because it made me think a war-like issue that is handled without firearms.

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