Part I

            In the fifth chapter to A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus, Norm digs deeper into Jesus as a human, into how Jesus does not know everything, going to learn in the temples or asking questions when preforming a miracle (152-157). He visits Pan’s Cave where he analyzes Matthew 16, where Jesus talks about building a church that withstands the gates of Hades (159). After talking with locals, Norm realizes that Jesus was the Messiah who will be building the temple, which Norm speculates to be “living stones” or humans (162). Norm becomes curious about the temple and the way rabbi’s treat the Jews; Norm also took interest in the prophet’s role in the temple (165, 168). In a dream, Norm argues three different men about the prediction of the coming of the Son of Man (172), the kingdom coming (174) and Jesus’s treatment as a Jewish Prophet (177). He then thinks about Jesus’s knowledge on earth and how the Bible can be deceiving (180).

Part II

            In chapter five, Norm looks into interactions Jesus had during his life time. It was interesting to find the differences in the gospels and how the wording changes according to the writer, as we have discussed in class. I think the section talking about why Jesus had to die (156) creates an interesting discussion topic. Jesus died for the sin of humans, the fact of giving up his life shows his love for the people and determination to help humans in the long run. Although this still does not explain why Jesus had to die, it would seem as though Christian’s could have been forgiven for their sins without killing the Son of God. On the contrary, maybe the event would have had a negative affect if the Christians had not known their savior died for them.

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