In Lambert’s article, he writes a section on the idea of the Enlightenment principles which come from the “New Learning” ideas of the scriptures (165). This “New Learning” looks at the Bible with a perspective of reason, logic, and rejection of traditional thoughts challenging the church established beliefs (165). Deists are people who believe in the Enlightenment principles; the idea of the principles is looking at God as the creator of the world, but not someone of power in the world today. The idea of “Natural Religion” is promoted by Deists because looking at the world as a natural cause, not influenced by God, is something Deists value. Thomas Jefferson believed lightening was a natural phenomenon and tested his theories on the idea, something Deist’s believe to be true (168). 

         The Jefferson Bible takes apart the New Testament, leaving out miracles of Jesus. Jefferson also leaves out the faith based verses which are used to structure the idea of Jesus being the Son of God. Jefferson makes Jesus less of a fulfillment of prophecies from the Hebrew Bible and more of just a man following God and claiming to be Christ (144). Jefferson depicts Jesus’s birth as something normal (37, 38), taking out the passages such as “Christ the Lord”and “glorifying and praising God” (Lk 2:11, 20). Jefferson also leaves the dialog in Matthew 3 out of his Bible and just says “and Jesus cometh from Galilee to Jordan to be baptized by John” (39). When Jesus is crucified, Jefferson mocks the idea of Jesus being King of the Jews making his version seem like Jesus was arrogant (141).  Jesus still cries out to God as he does in the Bible, (Mt 27:46; 145) making Jesus seem less of a hero when he does not perform miracles; the Jefferson Bible leaves out the “Savior” aspect of Jesus. 

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