Part 1
In chapter six of A Hitchhikers Guide to Jesus, Norm tries to understand Jesus’ death.  He visits multiple places during this journey including Mount of Olives where Jesus is seen in the New Testament preaching to his disciples and weeping over Jerusalem.  The weeping story can be connected to the Old Testament story about David as he wept going up the mountain.  Another major gospel story Norm touches on in the donkey ride.  This story is compared to Zachariah and Soloman in the Old Testament.  There are not only similarities in the Testaments but differences in the gospels (193-200).  Each has a different remembrance of the Last Supper.  Lastly the chapter ends with the contemplation of why Judas betrays Jesus. 
Part 2
There has been a lot of talk by Norm comparing New Testament stories to Old Testament stories.  Going a chapter back he makes the inference that maybe the gospel writers wrote down there stories than compared them to the Old Testament.  In this chapter, Norm gives us reference to the idea that the Old Testament gives the gospel writers inspiration.  An example is given where Matthew and John have very similar passages (195).  These gospel writers are inspired to compare Jesus to old heroes.

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