Part 1

Chapter seven of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus, is primarily about the death and resurrection of Jesus.  Norm starts out this adventure heading to Gethsemane, the place were Jesus and his disciples went before his arrest (231).  Fisk then compares Jesus to a martyr of this time.  In this chapter Norm also contemplates the questions; “Why did the religious leaders want Jesus dead?” and “Why did the Roman government sentence him to death?” (240). He concludes that Jesus was innocent but not harmless.  Lastly, Norm contemplates the emptiness of the tomb.  It is widely known that Jesus COULD HAVE resurrected but there is also the possibility that he was just moved to a different burial site (262-264).  

Part 2

I grew up with the idea that Jesus died an innocent man.  The reason why he was killed by Pontius Pilot was because Pilot was envious of Jesus’ popularity and wanted his government to remain strong.  Then Norm brings up this idea that maybe Jesus wasn’t so innocent.  We do see throughout the book that it is a possibility Jesus offended the wrong people and spoke out against the government.  It is hard to tell what Jesus was really like because the only real recollection we have of his is what the gospels tell us.  Unfortunately the gospels are all propaganda and make Jesus look better than he actually is.  I have a feeling Norm is right and there is something fishy going on.

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