Lambert’s article brings the subject of Deism into his writings using Jefferson as an example.  Deism is a religious
philosophy that uses reason and observation that can be explained by the natural world.  According to Deists, there is a religious practice but God does not intervene in human affairs or suspends the natural laws of universe. 
Those who believe in this philosophy typically reject supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles.  The idea of new learning was created by the Deists as opposed to those who practiced old learning.  People who practiced old learning believed, the Bible was the absolute truth and you have to be a special person to be able to understand it. New learning was more a deist way of asking questions and wanting to know the answers to unnatural events in the Bible (165).  Therefore they do not believe that a person has to be unique to be accepted by God.  Instead they believe if you live a normal life you are acceptable to the Kingdom of God.  They did not believe in the miracles or the miraculous stories of Jesus. 

A very popular deist is Jefferson.  In his bible he takes out all the supernatural thoughts and makes a manuscript of science explained events in the bible.  It is strictly a bunch of writings from each of the Gospels about important life events and has taken out all the propaganda to allow people to make their own judgments and faith (174). 

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