Part I
            Chapter five of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus starts off with Norm traveling to Caesarea Philippi. That particular location is where Jesus also took his disciples not long before his arrest. This is also where Norm has a question about whether or not Jesus chose to announce the end of his ministry at the Jordan because it was where it all began and where the baptism took place (153). Even though Jesus had insight about what was to come we learn that he was just like anyone else and he still shed tears, suffers hunger, etc. (156).  This chapter dealt with Jesus’ death as well as the second coming. Towards the end of the chapter Norm has a pretty significant dream where he encounters three doors.

Part II
            When Jesus is talking with the disciples and is explaining to them that the end is near and that the Son of Man will appear during their lifetime is it possible that he expected the drastic finale to happen immediately and if so was he disappointed (170). In Matthew 10 we have proof that Jesus was disappointed. It’s also interesting that with each prediction that Jesus makes he keeps moving closer to Jerusalem. If he knew what was going to happen then why would he want to move closer to Jerusalem? Something that really got my attention was when at the end of the chapter Salah tells Norm that when he gives guides to the Temple Mount he tells different stories depending on who he is talking to. That refers back to chapter 4 when we read about how one boat can lead to two totally different stories. Salah tells the people what they want to hear and we learn that there is no “neutral” view point.

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