Part I
    In chapter six of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus, Norm travels to the Mount of Olives and Jerusalem. We don’t quite learn about the death of Jesus yet, but we start to learn about everything that leads up to his death. We learn about the possible parallels between Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem on the donkey and the chosen son of David who claimed the thrown by riding a donkey (199). Another topic Norm covers deals with Judas and his betrayal to Jesus and Judas’ controversial death (213-220). Along with all of that Norm talks about Jesus’ trip to the temple where he overturns tables (203-205).

Part II
    Like I mentioned above everything that is going on in this chapter is preparing to lead us up to Jesus’ death. All four gospels include the table turning “in the temple” so this shows that this was a key point in the story. Jesus does this to prove his point about those exploiting the holy space and that he does not agree with what’s going on. Norm has a lot of questions that he wishes he could ask Judas. The thing that stuck out most in this chapter to me was about Judas and his betrayal to Jesus and also Judas’ death.  Today there is still no answer for how Judas dies since both Matthew and Acts describe it so differently. Did Judas fall to his death or hang himself?

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