Part I

         In chapter two of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus Norm arrives in Jerusalem where begins his exploration.  This led him to The Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Francaise de Jerusalem where he was given a tour and a desk and mapped out his John quest (47).  John the Baptist is examined as a second Samuel (49-50).  Norm meets two travelers along the way who he considers doomsday apocalyptics (51).  Norm then travels to the Dead Sea to see the ruins of Qumran with a man named Jesse, a PhD student (51).  Norm eventually makes his way back to Jerusalem and then to the Jordan River with Bernie where they talk more about John the Baptist (65).  The chapter ends talking about John’s death and the idea that Mark may have mixed legends with his history (72).

Part II

         Most of the second chapter was based around John the Baptist and his significance.  John seemed to be more of a public figure, a man who simply told folks to honor God and be nice (61).  People would not come from all over just to hear that though, would they?  Norm believes John was much more dangerous then he is presented by Josephus (61).  Norm makes an observation that the Gospels cast both John and Jesus as Elijah figures and that John may have been waiting for Elijah’s second coming (64-65).

Is John the Baptist really a second Samuel? 

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