Part I

In chapter five of A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jesus Norm travels to Caesarea Philippi, the site where Jesus announced his immanent death to his disciples (152).  Norm is there to try and learn how Jesus knew so much about his own death but so little about everything else.  Mt. Hermon is next on Norm’s trek, and then he returns to Jerusalem.  Norm thinks about how Jesus prophesized the second coming but could not give a definite answer to when it would happen.  He has a dream at the end of the chapter where he sees three scenarios.  The first is Jesus never announcing a prophecy.  Second, Jesus announcing the prophecy and it being fulfilled. The last scenario was Jesus announcing the prophecy and it not happening.

Part II

Norm was in a state of confusion over Jesus’ abilities in this chapter.  The struggle between knowing if Jesus knew his fate or didn’t was mind-boggling.  The dream sequence opened some new doors in Norm’s head and challenged him to really take a philosophers point of view on the issue at hand.  

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