The first scene in Son of Man between Jesus and Satan consists of some conflict.  This conflict is between good and evil and which is stronger or stands taller.  Jesus overthrows Satan in this scene, tossing him down the sand dune and declaring, “this is my world!” showing Satan that he was the light, the one in charge.   Throughout the movie it is reiterated that Jesus is all-powerful and that this is in fact His world.  Satan also appears in all the scenes involving turmoil or evil during the movie showing that he is the cause of the negativity. 

            The crucifixion in the film was much different from the biblical version.  Jesus is beaten and then taken to an open grave where he is shot and buried.  The crucifixion is almost in secret and few people witnessed it.  The biblical version is the polar opposite whereas Jesus is hung up on a cross to be shown to all and to have his death be very public.  The film version might have been used to show some of the secretive and unknown things going on with the African government, which is shown some in the film. 

            Similarities could definitely be seen between the film and the gospels.  There were differences due to the South African culture.  One of the scenes that portrayed the culture was the “becoming a man” ritual where the boys were painted in white and when they returned to the village they were considered men.  There is intertextuality between the film and the gospels, as we talked about in class we could consider the gospels source A, and the film source B.  The film took some from the gospels and some from the culture of the area in which it was set. 

            I had never looked at or thought about Jesus as not only a South African man but as a man with a totally different culture than myself.  Him being from that area sees the world a whole different way, meaning his point of view is drastically different than mine.  I liked how it challenged my thoughts on Jesus though and pushed me to see him in another light and accept it without judgment.  

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